Falls Lake - Dam Area III Trip
Put In - Located left of the dam spillway, down by the picnic area. A nice trail from the parking area leads down to the water Access is off of Falls of Neuse Road, parking is just before the dam overpass. Gates are only open 8am-5:30pm daily.
Distance/Time - 6.6 miles/3.5 hours
Difficulty - Average
Trip Directions - It was a absolute no wind and beautiful day. The lake was smooth as glass to start. For late fall it was in the high 70's, one of those days to remember for kayaking. I decided to just take it easy and paddle to Raven Ridge Road and back making a large clockwise circle. I had not been on this part of the lake since 2004, almost 5 years now. Wow.
Scenery - It turned out to be a very active wildlife day. A bald eagle landed right above me, couple of egrets, various ducks and turtles. Since the lake is around 4 feet below full pool I was able to paddle under Raven Ridge Road. The GPS got confused and never tracked under the bridge, so will have to prove it with a picture. For lunch, ate at Hidden Pond a small pond on the Falls Lake Trail. Lots of people at the dam area when I returned, enjoying the day.
Hazards - None.