Put In - From intersection of I-85, exit 182 (SR1632-Red Mill Rd). Travel Red Mill Rd. west 4.5 miles to stop sign. Turn right on SR1794 travel 0.5 miles to stop sign and turn right onto SR1632, follow into area.
Distance/Time - 9.1/4 hours/2 MPH Avg Speed
Difficulty - Difficult
Lake Level - 257ft.
Trip Directions - Based on using Google Earth and seeing the creeks that run in the high water area and that the lake is still 5 feet above full pool, I decided to head back to this area and explore more. I actually did some tracks on Google Maps of the creeks and then used the GMaptoGPX plugin and then downloaded the tracks to my GPS. This worked out real well, I should have done a few more creeks as I missed a large finger lake that I thought I could find just by instinct, but completely got lost.
Scenery - The water level was high, but the currents were gone and the water had cleared. I had a good time exploring the flooded area and saw a red fox swimming and many deer thrashing through the water as they seemed to be stranded on high land areas. One buck must have jumped 10 feet or more in the air when I paddled by and spooked him. Saw many white egrets today and one beaver playing in the water. Still no fishermen in boats, very strange.
Hazards - High water.