Falls Lake - Lower Barton Crk Trip
Put In - Located at the Upper Barton Creek boat ramp on Six Forks Road. Put in on the right side of the boat ramps. Heat and humidity have been high for the first of June, so decided to do the trusty night paddle when it is cooler.
Distance/Time - 7.2 miles/3 hours
Difficulty - Difficult because of a night paddle
Trip Directions - Headed straight for Lower Barton Creek, which is basically a big U. Went up the creek as far as I could and then turned back. Had a German Sheppard dog come bounding out of the woods with a red ball in his mouth. He almost made it to my boat with me back peddling. It seemed all he wanted was for me to throw his ball. Never did see his owner. I also ran into a memorial for a person who drowned in this area last year. The Carolina Kayak Club was also paddling that night.
Scenery - Osprey nests all around, deer, beaver, egrets, ducks, and a dog. Clouded up so really no sunset to speak of.
Hazards - Motor boats everywhere, be careful. Also, the boat ramp light near the dock is not working so coming it was pitch dark when I left. Needed a headlamp to see anything.