Put In - From intersection of I-85, exit 182 (SR1632-Red Mill Rd). Travel Red Mill Rd. west 4.5 miles to stop sign. Turn right on SR1794 travel 0.5 miles to stop sign and turn right onto SR1632, follow into area.
Distance/Time - 9.8 miles/3 1/2 hours
Difficulty - Average
Lake Level - 250ft.
Trip Directions - Tropical storm Nicole Ida added 3 feet to the lake in a three day period. When with a friend from work whom I have know from the recreation center and my running. We saw each other at the IBM 5K on Saturday and decided to go kayaking on Sunday. No hunting going on Sunday except for bow hunting. Could not do any cut through as the wate level was just not at full pool. The weather was perfect with a nice breeze. Ran into a group of guys canoe camping down by the Knap of Reed creek area.
Scenery - Egrets and turtles.
Hazards - None.