Falls Lake - Search and Rescue Trip
Put In - Located left of the dam spillway, down by the picnic area. A nice trail from the parking area leads down to the water Access is off of Falls of Neuse Road, parking is just before the dam overpass. Gates are only open 8am-5:30pm daily.
Distance/Time - 7 miles/3 hours
Difficulty - Average
Trip Directions - Lake is back to full+ at 253 feet. To start the trip I was asked by a fisherman if I would try and locate his son's remote control boat which headed straight out from shore when the remote batteries died. Took me a while as it traveled quite a distance and hit the shore. My first search and rescue! Nice warm afternoon, just headed north to explore the north side of the shore line. Found a nice trail up to the proposed park off of Old NC 98. Lots of pollen about. Saw an osprey nest, turtle, two female turkeys, egret, goose and ducks. No wind, so a nice paddle.
Hazards - Not a thing...