Jordan Lake - Little Creek II Trip
Put In - The Little Creek access is off of 751at the first bridge crossing coming from the north. It is on south/west side of the bridge, look for a gravel area. A trail leads down to a nice sandy beach.
Distance/Time - 8.9 miles/4 1/2 hours/2 MPH Avg
Difficulty - Above average based on the portage to the Put In and various beaver dam jumping that has to be done to head up/down the creeks.
Trip Directions - A co-worker just bought two new kayaks and wanted to go out for the first time. We chose Little Creek because it is close to his house and an interesting area now that I know about the cypress trees and how to navigate both Little and New Hope Creek. The day was very windy but the weather was perfect. We hiked the trail up to the Teer Farm(Double R) and scoped out the area. Then up little creek using the GPS track from the last trip and my guide Jim. Water is slightly lower so Little Creek was a shorter trip and New Hope Creek was blocked by a large downed tree. But Dan got a feel for beaver dam jumping! The paddle back was tough hoe to row as the wind was way up and the water was quite choppy. Dan was really tired at the end, long trip for his first time out, but now he is a veteran.
Scenery - Very scenic area for birds. Many egrets or herons, hawks, and eagles. Various ducks also forging. You can call this area the egret capital of Jordan Lake. The lake is slightly above full pool(217.1 Feet), so that helped.
Hazards -
Beaver dams on Little Creek and high wind